Conclusion, Investment Implications, Strategy

The iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT)  is in the midst of a Jun 4th emerging major uptrend as defined by its 200-day moving average amid monthly asset expansion and emerging quarterly relative outperformance versus the benchmark S&P 500 (SPX).  Together, these factors establish favorable conditions for continued strength. 

TLT Poised For More Outright Strength, Relative Outperformance

The upper panel of Chart 1 below shows that the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT) is in the midst of a Jun 4th major uptrend as defined by its 200-day moving average.  The middle panel shows that the total net assets (AUM) invested in TLT rose above their 21-day moving average on May 6th to indicate a Tactical trend of expansion, characteristic of sustainable minor price advances, and appears to be resuming that trend now.  The lower panel shows that TLT is beginning to outperform the benchmark S&P 500 (SPX) on a Strategic quarterly basis as of Jly 30th.

As long as these three conditions remain true, the price of TLT is likely to continue moving higher in the weeks ahead.

Chart 1

Current Sector & Industry Group Ideas

Table 1 below is also accessible via the Asbury ETF Trade Ideas rectangle at the top of the Research Center.

Table 1

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