Following The Money With Asbury Research is a free podcast and report that we use to stay in contact with individuals and businesses that have expressed interest in our research and services, and to educate them on our data-driven approach to investing.  Contact Us to request additional information. 

This bi-weekly podcast provides the latest update and overview of our data-driven models:

  • the Asbury 6 for Tactical Risk Management
  • the Correction Protection Model (CPM) for Wealth Preservation
  • the SEAF (Sector ETF Asset Flows) Model for Sector Rotation
  • the CARP (Cross Asset Relative Performance) Model for Domestic Asset Allocation
  • the US vs. The World Model for Global Asset Allocation

These models collectively answer the two most important questions for investors:

  1. when to be invested, and
  2. where to be invested.

Our Latest “Following The Money” Chart To Watch

In addition to our bi-weekly Following The Money Podcast, we also choose one chart, Asbury Research model, or data series and accompanying excerpt from our premium research that we believe may best reflect the current condition of the US financial market.  

This week, we selected a chart that plots the percentage of NYSE stocks trading one standard deviation below their 40-day moving average.  The chart is taken from our July 13th Monthly Investment Compass (access requires subscription), a comprehensive chart book of our best investment ideas for US financial assets  — and how to integrate them into your / your clients’ portfolios.

Copyright Asbury Research 2023

The chart shows that this metric is hovering at multi-year lows of 8% that previously coincided with or closely led every Tactical peak in the S&P 500 since 2022.  More color on this metric — and how to integrate it into your investment decision-making process — is available in our Research Center.

More information on all Asbury Research data-driven models is available by Clicking Here.

Asbury Research subscribers can get more detail on our latest analysis, and updates to our quantitative models, by logging into the Research Center.

Click the image below to view John Kosar’s call for a market bottom in an October 2022 podcast for


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Disclaimer: This is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation to buy or sell securities. The performance indicated from back-testing or historical track record may not be typical of future performance. No inferences may be made and no guarantees of profitability are being stated by Asbury Research LLC. The risk of loss trading in financial assets can be substantial. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your financial condition.