“Excellent presentation today.  It reminded me why I elected to join your service about a year ago: you do a great job of distilling a tremendous amount  of technical information into understandable, actionable insights.  Coming from a technical background myself, I appreciate how very difficult that is to do.  Again, job well done.  Lastly, thanks again for your call late November/early December (2015) recommending that I “play defense.”  Truthfully, your personal attention caught me off guard- I’ve not been used to such service. Although not fully invested at that time, I was in “too much.”  I took your advice to heart and unwound more positions- some that were not that old.   But in hindsight, you gave clear warning.  I now believe that my growing trust in and understanding of your messages will help me better stay on the right side of intermediate and long term trends.  Thanks for all your efforts.”

C. Harris, Independent Investor, Florida